Intense – 500ml Tar & Glue Remover


Intense – 500ml

Tar & Glue Remover

Einstaklega sterk formúla sem leysir upp tjöru og lím af málningu og plasti og gerir það að verkum að hægt er að þurrka það af einfaldlega með örtrefjaklút eða þvo með sjampói. Intense fjarlægir einnig olíu, fitu, kísill, vax og límleifar.

Tjöru og lím getur verið mjög erfitt að fjarlægja, sérstaklega ef það er látið vera í langan tíma, Intense er öflug formúla sem byggir á því að brjóta niður með öflugum en öruggum hætti og leysa upp erfiðustu blettina, S.s olíu, fitu, kísil, vax og límleifar.


Úðið Intense á óhreint yfirborðið og látið liggja á í 60-90 sekúndur og skolið burt með vatni.

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Vörunúmer: AM121-500 Flokkar: , Product ID: 2885


Why Intense?

Extremely strong, Intense will dissolve tar and glue on any paintwork and plastics enabling it to simply be wiped off with a microfibre cloth or washed off with a shampoo. It also removes oil, grease, silicone, wax, chewing gum and adhesive residue.

Tar and glue can be very stubborn to remove especially if left unattended for a period of time on the paintwork.

Intense is a powerful oil-based formula that aggressively but safely breaks down and lifts away the most stubborn Tar, oils, grease, silicone, wax, chewing gum and adhesive residue without the need for scrubbing to prevent it causing permanent damage.

The powerful formula is safe to used on all external surfaces including clear coat, single stage paint, glass, rubber, plastic and vinyl.

Key Benefits

  • Aggressively but safely breaks down tar, oils, grease, silicone, wax, chewing gum and adhesives
  • Powerful oil-based formula safe on all exterior surfaces
  • Eliminates the need for scrubbing which would install swirls in paint

Car Care Advice

Tar, oils, grease, silicone, wax, chewing gum and adhesives can pose a serious issue if left unattended on the finish of your paintwork. The extremely strong formula in Intense comes to the rescue breaking down and lifting away these stubborn substances without any harsh scrubbing.

Direction For Use

  • Spray directly onto the infected surface and allow to dwell for 60-90 seconds
  • Gently wipe away using a clean microfibre cloth or lightly agitate with a soft bristle brush
  • Rinse away with water
  • Do not use excessive pressure or scrubbing when wiping away, in extreme cases repeat the process
  • Not to be used on refurbished wheels or after-market paintwork

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