Revival – 500ml Engine Cleaner


Revival – 500ml

Vélarrýmis hreinsir

Revival er vatnsbundin blanda sem hefur verið hönnuð með umhverfisvænustu tækninni til að losa um og fjarlægja erfið óhreinindi úr öllum tegundum vélarrýma hratt og örugglega.

Auðvelt í notkun

Revival er spreyjað yfir vélarrýmið og efninu leyft að leysa upp jafnvel elstu og erfiðustu óhreinindi á áhrifaríkan hátt áður en það er skolað af með vatni.

Helstu kostir

Fjarlægir fljótt erfið óhreinindi úr öllum tegundum vélarrýma en er um leið öruggt á málningu, gúmmí og plast.


Revival er Umhverfisvænt

Á lager

Vörunúmer: AM125-500 Flokkar: , Product ID: 2892


Why Revival?

Revival is water-based and has been formulated using the latest environmentally friendly technology to efficiently and quickly remove heavy dirt from all types of engines.

Easy to use spray on & hose off formula that is safe on paint, rubber and plastics.

Revival is solvent free and offers surfaces protection against corrosion. It cleans effectively and removes even the oldest deposits of dirt and grime leaving a clean finish.

Key Benefits

  • Quickly removes heavy dirt from all types of engines
  • Safe on paint, rubber and plastics
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Solvent free

Car Care Advice

Engine cleaners need to have strong cleaning power to tackle some of the most thick grease and dirt, revival is more than enough of a match for the most ground in dirt, grime and grease.

Direction For Use

  • Cover all electrical sockets
  • Spray Revival directly onto the surface
  • Agitate using a detailing brush or microfibre cloth
  • Rinse thoroughly

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