Prep PRO – 500ml Residue Remover


Prep Pro – 500ml

Residue Remover

Við bjóðum upp á frábæran alcohol-based hreinsi, við getum ekki mælt nógu mikið með þessari vöru fyrir allan undirbúning.

Prep PRO veitir fullkominn undirbúning áður en Alien Magic vörurnar (coat, sealant, wax) er borið á. Prep PRO fjarlægir allar óæskilegar olíur, bónleifar, fitu og mengunarefni, þannig næst raunverulegt ástand yfirborðs. Prep Pro má nota á lakk, gler, gúmmí og plast.

Helstu kostir

Undirbýr yfirborð fyrir lokastig.

Fjarlægir olíu, fitu, bónleifar og fleira.

Sýnir rétt ástand yfirborðs.

Tilbúið fyrir coat, sealant eða wax.

Hagkvæm alcohol-based uppskrift.

Undirbúningshreinsir er nauðsynlegur til að hreint yfirborð náist, vinna við yfirborð án allra olíu, fitu eða leifa hámarkar þannig virkni vörunar sem nota skal þannig að hún nái sem bestum árangri og dugi sem lengst.

Á lager

Vörunúmer: AM172-500 Flokkar: , Product ID: 2918


Why Prep PRO?

Providing the ideal and most accurate preparation for the final stage of many applications, we can not recommend this product highly enough for so many of the steps in the methodical detailing process.

Prep PRO provides the perfect preparation prior to the application of Alien Magic PRO coatings as well as, sealants and waxes. Prep PRO will fully remove unwanted oils, grease, contaminants and polishing residues showing true condition of the painted surface as well as glass, rubber and hard plastics leaving a smooth, clinical finish behind.

Prep PRO will create a perfectly hygienic base for final coating application giving increased durability of the final product.


Key Benefits

  • Provides the most clinical base for the final stage of many applications
  • Removes oils and grease from many hard surfaces
  • Reveals the TRUE condition of the surface, ready for coatings, sealants or waxes
  • Pure hygiene in a bottle
  • Economical, alcohol-based formula

Car Care Advice

Residue removers of this type are an essential product in any detailers collection no matter what level of experience you have. Many last stage products require a clinically hygienic surface free from any oils, grease or residues so they can bond and provide there purposed qualities to the maximum of their ability and longevity.

Direction For Use

  • Prep Pro can be misted directly onto surfaces or onto a microfibre cloth or applicator
  • Buff surface with a clean cloth or applicator until 100% clarity is achieved

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