Interior PRO – 200ml


Interior PRO – 200ml

Natural Trim Coat

Interior Trim Pro is an advanced high concentration of innovative Waterborne Waxes which penetrate and bond with interior plastics and rubber to create a protective, long-lasting satin coat.

Á lager

Vörunúmer: AM168-200 Flokkar: , Product ID: 2860


Why Interior Trim PRO?

Owning a vehicle means there is a very strong chance you will spend more time inside the car than you will admiring the glossy shine on the paintwork. Remaining clean, fresh and protected is the only way to enjoy it and retain much of its value

Interior Trim Pro is an advanced high concentration of innovative Waterborne Waxes which penetrate and bond with interior plastics and rubber to create a protective, long-lasting satin coat.

Coated surface are replenished, restored and refreshed, it also contains anti-static properties which reject dirt, dust build up and fading caused by UV rays.

The durability of Interior Trim PRO is outstanding with up to 2 months protection depending on usage and regular maintenance. Exceptional results on flat and textured surfaces leaving non sticky or greasy feel to the touch.

A 200ml bottle will last 6-12 months with multiple applications.

Key Benefits

  • Leaves surfaces feeling clean without any sticky or greasy residue
  • Protects all hard interior surfaces
  • Gentle formula will not stain or discolour surfaces
  • Protects for up to 2 months from a single application
  • Replenishes, restores and refreshes interior trim
  • Satin finish

Car Care Advice

Interior trim coatings provide an essential barrier to protect your hard surfaces from dirt, grime, fading, oils and grease. Protection for your interior trim is essential in maintaining that new car feel and retaining the value of your vehicle.

Direction For Use

    • Ensure the trim has been cleaned prior to application
    • We highly recommend using Pristine – anti-static hard surface cleaner prior to application
    • Squirt 2-3 times of Interior Trim Pro onto a microfibre cloth or small applicator
    • Spread a thin and even layer over trim
    • Leave to dry naturally

Store above 5 degrees Celsius.

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