Guard – 500ml Wheel Sealant Spray


Guard – 500ml

Wheel Sealant Spray

Guard álfelguvörn er frábær og fljótleg úðalausn sem klæðir felgurnar með varanlegu óhreinindaþéttiefni til að hindra uppbyggingu bremsuryks og annarra vegaóhreininda.

Felgur sem meðhöndlaðar eru með Guard eru auðveldara að þrífa og haldast hreinni lengur. Guard hjálpar til við að vernda felgurnar lengur gegn bremsuryki og öðrum vegaóhreinindum.


Gakktu úr skugga um að yfirborð felgunar sé hreint áður en Guard er úðað á.

Úðaðu Gurad beint á yfirborð felgunar.

Leifar þurkaðar burt með microfibreklút og látið þorna.

Á lager

Vörunúmer: AM126-500 Flokkar: , Product ID: 2910


Why Guard?

Alien Magic Guard will protect your expensive rims and create the gloss shine that you would be proud of on all types of wheels including:- powder coated, chrome, painted and aluminium alloy. Coloured rims will truly pop with colour once coated in Guard.

Guard alloy wheel armour is a super fast action spray-on solution that coats the wheels with a durable dirt repellent sealant to deter the build up of brake dust and road grime.

Wheels treated with Guard are easier to clean and will stay cleaner for longer. Guard Wheel Armour helps to protect from brake dust deposits and road grime while enhancing colour on painted wheels.

The spray-on formula is so easy to use it makes protecting your wheels a joy to do, simply spray on and buff off the residue to reveal a sparklingly clean, protected surface, layer it and your just giving the wheels an even stronger barrier.

Key Benefits

  • Easy to use formula that will protect and enhances the gloss shine
  • Protects a variety of wheel types
  • Repels dirt and road grime by sealing the wheels in a protective barrier
  • Super easy to use and can be layered for extra protection

Car Care Advice

Wheels a no longer just a necessary for cars they have become a styling modification, an expression of design in a beautiful form. Because of this they can also be very expensive so wheel sealants are a great way to protect your investment from looking filthy while also retaining and enhancing the glossy shine.

Direction For Use

  • Ensure the surface is clean prior to application
  • Spray directly onto the surface
  • Buff away the residue to a gloss shine
  • Leave to dry naturally

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